So look what arrived on Wednesday -- the annual display of the purple poinsettias! That always means it's holiday time here at SoulJourney so let the season begin!
These beauties don't actually grow this way, although in my mind, they should. If I were able to Summer them over, they'd come back white, so yes, they are sprayed. But aren't they just gorgeous?! I get them every year from Glenwild Gardens on Glenwild Avenue in Bloomingdale. And every time I get asked about them by my customers, I refer them there. An especially good thing to do for a fellow independent retailer, wonderful family-owned business, and all-around great folks. And since I've never seen them anywhere else, the ONLY thing to do! LOL
The best part is, they last forever. As in, June! Pretty remarkable, I'd say. Small investment to have such beauty around for over six months.
Be sure and patronize your local, independent retailer this holiday season, and especially on Small Business Saturday. This year, that's Saturday, November 26. SoulJourney will be celebrating with a Psychic Fair (with four readers) all day; meet Natalie Zaman, author of Magical Destinations of the Northeast and Animal Totem Coloring Book, who will be here signing her books 10.00am-12.00pm; a Kissing Booth with dogs from TriBoro Animal Welfare 12.00-3.00pm; complimentary refreshments all day; and enter to win a packet of gift certificates from six area businesses.
@GlenwildGardens @NatalieZaman @MagicalDestinationsoftheNortheast #PsychicFair @TriBoroAnimalWelfare @SmallBizSaturday #purplepoinsettias
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