Wednesday, September 7, 2016

I thought I'd do a short blog about crystal skulls.  There seems to be a real resurgence and interest in them.

So why would you want one?  Well, first off, cause they're really cool. LOL  Lots of people are kind of creeped out about them, and others just love them.  I fall into the latter category.  Obviously, they're not for everyone.

A wonderful way to utilize them is in a crystal grid.  You can form a grid entirely of the skulls, either in various stones or all the same, whatever you're drawn to do.  I may have to incorporate them into my next grid class curriculum. :-)

They're very useful in meditation, especially in the symbology.  Meditation takes place in your head, and what are you meditating with but a head!?  Just treat it like any other stone you'd meditate with and you're good to go.

It's an excellent divination tool, and for the above reason (meditation), it's also excellent for increasing psychic awareness.  Skulls are also very helpful when sending healing to someone, so Reiki practitioners can definitely use them in their work.

Use them for sacred geometry, self-awareness, and just to increase human consciousness.

Take into account the stone the skull is made out of also.  You want it to be a stone you resonate with.

The skulls above:
Back Row - Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz, $50 and $100
Front Row - Clear Quartz, Charoite, Hematite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, $25

#crystals #crystalskulls #amethyst #clearquartz #rosequartz #hematite #charoite

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